From the ground up
Brian Cannard

This site is about Computation. We will learn about how computation emerges from any low-level geometry which allows any kind of control. We will build a hierarchy of algorithms from the ground-up. (No "cheating" involved! We will be able to reproduce these algorithms virtually anywhere, from relay switches and CMOS transistors, to FPGAs and GPU shaders.)


The streams of computation let us define and run computation in arbitrary media, including water pipes, billiard balls, dominos processors, GPUs, FPGAs, ordinary CPUs, then quantum computers, and even time machines.

The concepts we are about to explore will unfold for us in a straightforward manner, where we will be using code to fixate our memory.


In mathematics, one must to memorize and execute in their head all axioms and theoremes. We will use computer to memorize those for us. We will use ordinary browser available without any installations in every laptop, and even smartphone.

The principles we are about to explore, will help us to design efficient streams of computations and run sophisticated predictive simulations virtually anywhere, from toy models in browser; up to Vulkan, CUDA, RDNA, ROCm, OpenCL, Verilog, FPGA, and supercomputing large-scale simulations.

We will move through arithmetics, then over numeric methods of mathematics, and running physical simulations in an attempt to learn how to predict and control the reality around us.